Dr. Georgios Kouroupetroglou holds a B.Sc. in physics and a Ph.D. in Communications and Signal Processing. He is Associate Professor, Division of Communication and Signal Processing, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens and leader of the Speech Communication Group and the e-Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities.

His current research interests focuses on the area of Speech Communication, as a part of the major domain of Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction, with emphasis in: Computer Mediated Interpersonal (non-verbal, visual based) Communication, Speech Processing/Analysis and Synthesis, Information Technologies for Interactive Learning, Information Systems/Services for Disabled and Elderly People and Multimedia for Education and Training.

Dr. Kouroupetroglou has actively participated in a number of European Union funded and National research projects. He has been reviewer/evaluator and member of working groups/technical panels of various European Union’s projects/programs. He is author or co-author of more than 90 scientific papers in journals/conference proceedings and numerous technical reports in the fields of his interest.

Contact:  Georgios Kouroupetroglou
               University of Athens ,                                                                             tel.: +30 210 7275305                                 
               Department of Informatics and Telecommunications                            fax: +30 210 6018677
               Panepistimiopoli, Ilisia,                                                                         e-mail: koupeatdi.uoa.gr
               GR 15784 Athens, Greece                                                                      URL: www.di.uoa.gr/speech
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