Μουσικά Όργανα
Αρχική σελίδα
| Συνεργαζόμενοι
φορείς | Σύνδεσμοι | Επικοινωνία
Σύνδεσμοι Μουσικής
- AllSound.org
- Online Magazine of Music and Sound Art
- Computer
Music Journal (CMJ)
- CSound
- Electronic
- Music-and-Computers
- MusiciansNet
- Guitars, Synths, MIDI, Samplers, Bass, Drums
- Organized
Sound - Cambridge
- the
OPEN SPACE, web and print magazine, music and art
- TraxMusic
- ProAudio and Computer Music news
- Bregman Studios at
Dartmouth College
- Cal Arts, School of
- Center for Contemporary Music at Mills College
- CCRMA - Stanford
University Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
- CNMAT - Center for
New Music and Audio Technologies at U.C Berkeley
- CRCA - Center for Research
in Computing & the Arts at UC San Diego
- Digital
Music Research Group at University of Bristol
- Grame
- IRCAM - Centre
Georges Pompidou
- The University
of Iowa Electronic Music Studios
- The Media Laboratory
at MIT
- Rice University Digital
Signal Processing Group (Rice DSP Group)
- S T E I M - Amsterdam
- TIMARA at Oberlin
- Audio Engineering Society
- CyberSalon - media and education
- Electronic Music 411 - EM
info co-op
- Electronic Music Foundation
Interrnet Directory of Organizations
- Falling Forward
- Game Audio Network
- The International
Computer Music Association - ICMA
- Institute of Contemporary
Arts - London
- MIDI Manufacturer's Association
- Turbulence -
commissions and support net art
- Fantasia
MIDI App and Java MIDI Kit
- J.A.M.Synth
- Java
Lecture Notes
- JASS (Java
Audio Synthesis System) - unit generator based, pure Java.
- Java
Sound API - standard audio and MIDI for Java 1.3+
- JMusic
- API for generating and manipulating music using JavaSound
- JavaSonics -
multi-platform audio I/O, uses JavaSound or native plugin if required
- JMSL - Java
Music Specification Language
- JSyn - real-time audio synthesis
- Macintosh Runtime for Java
- SUN - The Source for Java
- Sonicle - Java audio
streaming for the web
Πλατφόρμα MS-Windows
- Intel(R)
VTune Performance Tools Home
- JMSL - Java
Music Specification Language
- JSyn - real-time audio synthesis
API for Jav
Πλατφόρμα Linux
- ALSA - Advanced
Linux Sound Architecture, audio API
- JMSL - Java
Music Specification Language
- JSyn - real-time audio synthesis
API for Java
- LADSPA - Linux Audio
Developer's Simple Plugin API
- Linux
Audio Developers - mail list
- Linux Audio
Developers - Low
Latency Resources
- OSS - OpenSound -
4Front, audio API
- TaoSynth -
scripting language for physical modelling
- Tritonus - Java Sound
for Linux
- Audio
File Library
SDK - cross platform sound API from Steinberg
- command line based synthesis and processing
- CSound - a
popular synthesis language with lots of unit generators
- COST DAFX - large
source code archive for various digital audio effects
- JavaSonics -
multi-platform audio I/O, uses JavaSound or native plugin if required
- JMSL - Java
Music Specification Language
- JSyn - real-time audio synthesis
API for Java
- libsndfile
- 'C' lib for r/w AIFF, WAV and other file formats
- KeyKit Download
- MPEG-4
Structured Audio Development Tools, SFront
- Nyquist
- LISP based synthesis from CMU by Roger Dannenburg
- PortAudio - open source,
cross-platform audio API for 'C'
- PortMusic
- open source, cross-platform music APIs
- rtAudio
- open source, cross platform audio API for C++
- Synthesis
ToolKit (STK): C++ classes for synthesis by Perry Cook (CCRMA site)
- wxWindows - (not audio) portable C++
GUI API for Mac/PC/Unix
Πλατφόρμα Macintosh
- HMSL - Hierarchical Music
Specification Language, Forth based for Macintosh
- JMSL - Java
Music Specification Language
- JSyn - real-time audio synthesis
API for Java
- Macintosh Runtime for Java
- MusicKit - an
object-oriented software system for building music, sound, signal
processing, and MIDI applications. 'C' and Objective 'C'.
- SuperCollider - powerful real-time
synth environment for Power Macintosh
- Direct
X File - write plugins for DirectX
- DXi
Plugin Standard
- LADSPA - Linux Audio
Developer's Simple Plugin API
- Sonic Foundry
Developers' Pit - kit for writing DirectX plugins
Plugin SDK from Steinberg
Αρχική σελίδα
| Συνεργαζόμενοι
φορείς | Σύνδεσμοι | Επικοινωνία
Τρίτη, 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 05:21:34 μμ