Stavros Baloyanis: Psaltic art and the brain: Psaltic art and the brain: The philosophy of the Byzantine music from the perspectives of the neurosciences
Dionysius Bilialis Anatolikiotis: The Psaltic Art as a Liturgical Experience (The interdisciplinary connection between chanting and practical theology)
Konstantinos Charil. Karagounis: The Psaltic Art as an Autonomous Science: Scientific branches – Related Scientific fields – Interdisciplinary Collaborations and Ιnteraction
Georgios Kouroupetroglou, Charalampos Papadakos, Gavriil Kamaris, Georgios Chrysochoidis and Ioannis Mourtzopoulos: Optimal Acoustic Reverberation Evaluation of Byzantine Chanting in Churches
Δημήτριος Νεραντζής: Συγκριτικές προσεγγίσεις στην παλαιά και νέα σημειογραφία. Ζητήματα ερμηνείας της Βυζαντινής Μουσικής
Michalis Stroumpakis: “Choir along with Bastaktes”. The development of sectors of Byzantine musicology in teaching and practical expression of psalmody. The combination between Theory and performance in the Program of University Ecclesiastical Academy of Herakleion Crete
Maria Alexandrou: The ‘master of the masters’ through the mirror of music theory -
St John Koukouzeles and the protheory of the Papadike
Maria Alexandrou- Study Group for Byzantine Musical Paleography: Byzantine Music for Warrior Saints
Thomas Apostolopoulos: Notes on Psaltiki teaching, Organology and Interval Theory using K. Psahos's "Panarmonion" as a basis
Jordan Krassimirov Banev: The Eastern Orthodox Chant and Its Epistemological Approach: Possibilities and Limits
fr Alexandrel Barnea: Church Music of Byzantine Tradition - Support and Garment for the Liturgical - Dogmatical Word - A Theological Point of View
Gordana Blagojević: Byzantine church music as a field for ethnological and anthropological research
Blanka Bogunović and Marina Marcović: Serbian chant: Aspect of improvisation in a process of krojenje
Antonios Botonakis: The use of Information Communications Technology (ICT) during the learning procedure of Byzantine Chantic Art, and of music as a whole, at the University Ecclesiastical Academy of Heraclion Crete, Department of Ecclesiastical Music and Chantic Art
Alexandra Budu: The Process of Standardization of the Church Music of Byzantine Tradition in Romania
Irina Chudinova: Sound and the Memory of the Place: Soundscapes of the Island Monasteries of the Russian North
Zamfira-Irina Dănilă: Contributions to the adaptation to Romanian of chants in the 3rd volume of the Antologhia by Nectarie Frimu
Costis Drygianakis: Aspects of Psaltiki in the digital world
fr Gregory Edwards: Ecclesiastical Music and Mission
Svetlana Filaretova: Church choir in the religious education system of cadet corps of Russia: lessons from the past
Dimosthenis Fistouris: The art of singing Byzantine chant and the vocal technical issues
Andreas Giakoumakis: Demotic folk music: spread and practical application of new discoveries in the field of demotic Tradition
Emmanouel Giannopoulos: How will anyone understand what you are talking about if your message given in strange tongues is not clear? Tongue and music in the worship of God
Vasiliki Gousi: Analysis of Byzantine Chant - Interdisciplinary approaches
Georgios Hatzitheodorou: Older Dodecanesian Ecclesiastical Musicians (cantors - composers - theoreticians)
Madalina Anamaria Hotoran: The Psaltic Byzantine Chant in Paul Constantinescu’s Creation
Dušanka Jelencović - Vidović: (Public) Feminine Side of Orthodox Sacred Music in Serbia
Charilaos K. Karagounis: Ioannis Anagnostis Kontopoulos - a Pelion Music Teacher andByzantine Hymnographer: his Life and Works
Christos Karydis: Preventive Conservation of Ecclesiastical Archive Material
Antonis Konstantinidis and Athanasios Stogiannidis: Scholarship and tradition, pedagogical aspects and educational problems in Psaltic art
Georgios Konstantinou: An Intervallic Approach to Mode 2
Spyridoula Kostara: The psychology of aesthetic communication
Gregorios Kostaras: Ωραίον καί Aγαθόν
Georgios Kouroupetroglou and Georgios Chrysochoidis: Formant Tuning in Byzantine Chanting
Svetlana Kujumdzieva: The Graeco-Slavic Contacts in Psaltic Art: The Case οf Metropolitan Serafim of Bosnia
Demetrios Lekkas: “I shall open my mouth…” Quantitative prosody, hirmological genus, psaltic chorus leader’s gesture: a common systemic overview
Bachir Fouad Osta: The Melkite Liturgical Chant, forms and musical structures: Oral and Written tradition
Panagiotes Panagiotides: The Use of Compound Time Measures of Rhythmin Syllabic Compositions in Byzantine Chant: Is it advisable?
Dimos Papatzalakis: Καταλογογράφηση των μουσικών συνθέσεων του Παναγιώτη Χρυσάφη του νέου για το Στιχηράριο του Νέου Καλλωπισμού, βάσει των ευρισκομένων αυτογράφων του
Miltiadis Pappas: The bibliography of Greek Ecclesiastic Music: Reference point - perspectives - organizing - evaluation
fr Nektarios Paris: Stylianos Chourmouzios psaltic interpretation
Ivana Perković: Music in Serbian sacred medieval literature
Andreas Petrakis: The recorded musical expression of Vasileios Nikolaidis in John Protopsaltis Eothina Doxastika
Ioannis Plemmenos: Ecclesiastical music and folklore research: the revival of an old relation
Konstantinos Saitis: Kyriazis Daskaloudis, the composer
Ioannis Sampsakis: Professional Voice and Voice Disorders in Professional Chanters
Konstantinos Siachos: Repertorium of Codex – Writers of Greek Chanting music
Adrian Sîrbu: The kathisma-prosomion “Tον τάφον Σου Σωτήρ”, by Mihalache Bucureșteanul (ms Lavra Z26). Αn Important Argument in Favour of Kathisma Belonging to the Diphonic First Mode (νάος)
Spyridon Skortsis: The sound of prayer in the modern Orthodox Holy Church
Dimosthenis Spanoudakis: Neuromusicology and the Science of Byzantine Chant: An interdisciplinary approach with multiple benefits
Gregorios Th. Stathis: Orthography of Ison, Oligon and Oxeia
Haris Symeonidis: The two hundredth anniversary of the musical reform, as spark for the restatement of the Theory of psaltic art
Agamemnon Tentes: Proposals for a multidisciplinary approach of the musicological branch dealing with Greek Church Music under recent trends in international humanistic research
fr Marius Ţepelea: Aspects regarding music and cult in early Christianity
Achilleas – Apostolos Tigkas: Intercultural relationships of the chanters in Istanbul during the post-byzantine period
Ariadni Tsalouchou: Emotions and virtues in Byzantine Music: Exploring the relevance or complementarity with Positive Psychology- The impact on everyday human life
Konstantinos Vagenas: The composition and performing the hymns with emphasis at the meaning of the lyrics: historical overview and contemporary reality